Using Recharge Subscriptions For Recurring Donations

This guide will look at how to set up recurring donations with DonateMate and Recharge Subscriptions.

Install Recharge Subscriptions to your Shopify Store through the Shopify App Store. Once installed, open the app in your Shopify Store and head to Products on the menu bar to the left.

Remove the filter for "Plan types" to see all available products in your store.

Select your donation product, we will work with the default donation product, "Support our Cause!".

On the bottom right, click "Configure" and select "Create plans".

Under "Create plans", create your desired donation interval. In this example, we create two different donation frequencies, Monthly and Annually.

  1. To create the subscription plans, select the Plan type as "Subscription".
  2. Next, specify the interval required. For the monthly plan, we'll set the interval as every one month. For an annual donation, make this 12 months.
  3. Create a plan name to display to the customer as donation frequency.
  4. Ensure that the "Offer a discount" is disabled.
  5. When you are finished, press Done.

You should now see your desired donation frequencies show up as selling plans. If you are finished, press "Save plans".

Now we will head back to the Online Store Theme Editor for your store. Find your donation widget and ensure you've selected the correct DonateMate product.

From the display settings, ensure "Display Recurring Options" is toggled on and press "Save" in the top corner.

You're done! 🥳🥳

Now when a customer adds a donation to the cart with a frequency option, the cart will display the recurring frequency and total.

Note: Recharge Subscriptions is an independent app from DonateMate, and while we provide this guide with the best of intentions, we cannot provide support for the Recharge Subscriptions app. Management of the subscription including processing of the payment, is handled by Recharge. All billing queries should be addressed to the support team for Recharge.

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